Saturday 25 May 2013

Donate Car Diabetes

Donate Car Diabetes Biography

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Across the country, the Canadian Diabetes Association is leading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure. We are supported in our efforts by a community-based network of volunteers, employees, healthcare professionals, researchers and partners.
Everyone wins when recyclers and charities team up. In years past, the market for ‘scrap’ cars or End of 
Life Vehicles was solely monopolized by the auto recycling industry. For years, if a vehicle owner wanted 
to dispose of their vehicle, they would turn to the trusty local ‘yard’ as a means of getting the unwanted 
vehicle off their driveway and out of sight. Today, the vehicle disposal landscape has certainly changed, 
and the public has become a more educated and socially aware population, wanting to not only ensure 
clean, environmental steps and measures are taken with their disposed vehicle, but they also want the 
opportunity to assist local and national charities in one motion, one act. 
In recent years, charitable organizations and auto recyclers have caught onto this want, and have been 
able to provide a solution that works for the customer, the recycler AND the charity itself. How this is even 
possible may seem like a feat in itself, but the programs available today offer unique and simple answers 
to the wants and needs of all three parties involved. 
The premise behind these programs is actually very simple. Charities will team up with local and reputable 
auto recyclers in order to facilitate car donations. Does this mean that the vehicle is physically donated to 
the charity? No. In most cases, the customer is offered the choice to donate the money that would have 
been received for the vehicle to the charity of their choice, while the auto recycling partner will take care of 
the pick up (tow) and the environmentally safe disposal of the vehicle. In turn, the customer will receive a 
tax receipt from the chosen charity for the amount that was given (to the charity) for the vehicle. 
In programs such as these, each party involved has a list of responsibilities that must be addressed and 
taken care of each time a vehicle donation is processed. Many progressive auto recyclers and charities 
work towards ensuring that these responsibilities are fulfilled and that the process takes place with the 
greatest of ease, especially from a customer’s standpoint. 
The auto recycler is responsible for arranging the pick up of the vehicle, and the appropriate disposal. 
Once this has been achieved, the auto recycler will send the monetary value of the vehicle to the charity 
selected by the customer. 
The charity is responsible for sending a tax receipt, once receiving the monetary donation from the 
recycler (on behalf of the customer), to the customer for the amount donated. 
The customer is simply responsible for making the initial call to dispose of their vehicle, and selecting their 
charity of choice. 
What are the benefits to the parties involved? 
For the customer, it’s being able to dispose of an unwanted or nonworking vehicle with ease, while at the 
same time donating the proceeds that would have been paid out to them (as the vehicle owner) to a 
charity of their choice, which in turn will be used to assist in local or national campaigns or programs 
offered by the charity. The customer has also ensured that the vehicle that they have decided to dispose of 
will be handled in the most appropriate manner, one which is environmentally safe, first and foremost. 
The charity will receive monetary contributions from the auto recycler (on behalf of the vehicle donators) 
that may have otherwise not been given. This is a way to increase funds raised for the charity. 
The auto recycler will be able to assist different charitable organizations as well as having a better 
opportunity to pick up and dispose of vehicles in a manner which is environmentally safe. This opportunity 
also allows for the reclamation of more recycled parts to become available. 
Working hand in hand with various charities has allowed the auto recycling industry to ensure that 
environmentally friendly vehicle disposal takes place each and every time a vehicle is donated. This in 
itself is highly positive, as the world’s focus appears to have shifted to the ever increasing fear of the 
effects of global warming. Every little step we can take to assist in maintaining our environment will go a 
long way in the future. There are many reputable auto recyclers involved in these programs, and many 
charities have joined forces to ensure that vehicle donations equal charitable donations, which in turn will 
equal all parties working towards a cleaner and greener environment. 
By utilizing services offered by progressive auto recyclers, charitable organizations across the country are 
providing the socially aware and conscious masses with options never thought of before. Charities and 
auto recyclers are offering the opportunity for the public to two good deeds in one simple step. Donate 
your car to the charity of your choice, and help build a socially stronger society. 

Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes
Donate Car Diabetes

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