Saturday 25 May 2013

Donate Car Goodwill

Donate Car Goodwill Biography

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With the donation process is quick and easy. Fill out the vehicle donation form or call us at 800-433-3828 and we handle the rest. Your vehicle donation will help fund job training programs, employment placement services and other critical community-based programs. Make a difference in the lives of others and donate your vehicle today.
Most car donation services make it really easy for you to donate your old car – running or not.  Do something good, free up space, and get a tax deduction!

Non-running vehicles
often accepted.
Some charities offer same day pickup.
You may qualify for
a nice tax deduction.
The reason the following video is good, is because it shows how your vehicle donation can make a difference – no matter where you live.
Buying a new car can be an exciting time for you.  But that brings about an interesting conundrum:  Now you have to figure out what to do with your old car.
Have you considered a goodwill car donation?  Consider the following:
Most people trade their cars in for the new one because they do not want to put a large cash down payment. But if your car is much older, you are not going to get much for it on a trade-in. So that leaves you with three options:
1. The first is to sell it yourself but that means you have to fix it up, advertise it, then close the deal on its sale – all big hassles by themselves.
2. The second is to simply keep it in case you need an extra vehicle, but that requires you to keep up insurance and maintenance on it.
3. The third option and one you may not immediately think of is car donations. If you are trying to get rid of your old car and want to do something charitable, a goodwill car donation is perfect for you.

In this article we will go over some of the basic questions and answers you may have about donating cars to charity.  Just think, you will be doing someone else a world of good and be benefiting yourself at the same time!
Does my car need to be running and in good condition in order to be donated?
There are going to be some organizations and charities that want your car to be in running condition when it is donated. Usually this is because they intend to give the car to a family in need. But for the most part, charitable organizations that seek out car donations do not care if the car is running or if it is a pile of junk sitting rusting in your front yard.
The cars that need minor work will get repaired and then sold or given to families in need. The cars that are completely beyond hope of repair (that would be too costly to repair) are usually sold off to salvage yards where the salvage company will get money for the metal.
Is it better to sell my old car or are car donations more beneficial?
This is a tricky question.  Of course it is better if you can afford to donate your car.  But that being said many people rely on their old cars to use as trade-ins on new vehicles. Some people just need the cash.
A good rule of thumb is to take a look at the Kelly Blue Book value of your car. If it is less than $1000 you should not waste your time trading it in or selling it.
It will mean far more to a charity than what you could possible receive. If you have a newer car that is paid off, you may want to sell the car and then split the proceeds with the charity of your choice. This is especially beneficial if the charity you support does not participate in car donations. They could always use a cash donation.
Are there other items I can donate besides cars?
You can donate practically anything. It does not have to be a car. We take boats, trailers, all-terrain vehicles and even lawnmowers. Goodwill directly accepts clothing, household goods and even books if they are in good condition.
And of course you can always donate the favorite gift of all charities, your money.
So if you have items lying around your house collecting dust, consider donating them. You will be helping the environment and doing something for a worthwhile cause.
Where can I find out more information about goodwill car donations?
There are some great car donation organizations that are trustworthy. You can call 1-800-Charity-Cars to find local charities in your area that accept old cars. You can also turn to the internet. There are tons of websites dedicated to car donations…
But Beware of Bogus Car Donation Charities!
Fraudulently operating charities are in every state.  Read more on about car donation scams here.
Some places you can find online offer you bonuses for donating your car. These bonuses could be vacation vouchers or Disney Theme Park passes as well as a tax deduction.
But remember this about charities that offer incentives for donating:
The car donation charities must pay for these “bonuses” or “rewards” out of the donation proceeds. This means the actual charity itself – the people who need the money or cars – get less!
…So you should check out the percentage of what actually filters down to the real charity.  Do an online check thru the state’s Attorney General’s office (or in some states – The Secretary of State).  Just click on your state from the drop-down menu above – “Steps for Each State.”  There are convenient direct links on these pages to check out a charity the right way.
A goodwill car donation will get your old car into the hands of someone who is truly in need.  You will have done a good thing, and maybe you can get a hefty tax deduction or some other bonus!
Goodwill Industries of San Francisco has a very active and supportive community…

Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill
Donate Car Goodwill

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