Wednesday 15 May 2013

Donated Cars

Donated Cars Biography

Source (
If you donate a car, a boat, or an aircraft to a Coin collections. Many catalogs and other • Any restrictions on the donee’s use of, or charitable organization, its FMV must be deter- reference materials show the writer’s or pub- ability to transfer, the patented technology; mined. lisher’s opinion of the value of coins on or near and Certain commercial firms and trade organi- the date of the publication. Like many other zations publish monthly or seasonal guides for • The length of time remaining before the collectors’ items, the value of a coin depends on different regions of the country, containing com- patent expires. the demand for it, its age, and its rarity. Another plete dealer sale prices or dealer average prices important factor is the coin’s condition. For ex- for recent model years. Prices are reported for However, your deduction for a donation of a ample, there is a great difference in the value of each make, model, and year. These guides also patent or other intellectual property is its FMV, a coin that is in mint condition and a similar coin provide estimates for adjusting for unusual minus any gain you would have realized if you that is only in good condition. equipment, unusual mileage, and physical con- had sold the property at its FMV on the date of Catalogs usually establish a category for dition. The prices are not “official,” and these the gift. Generally, this means your deduction is coins, based on their physical condition—mint publications are not considered an appraisal of the lesser of the property’s FMV or its basis. For or uncirculated, extremely fine, very fine, fine, any specific donated property. But they do pro- details, see Publication 526. very good, good, fair, or poor—with a different vide clues for making an appraisal and suggest valuation for each category. relative prices for comparison with current sales Stocks and Bonds Books. The value of books is usually deter- and offerings in your area.
mined by selecting comparable sales and ad- These publications are sometimes available The value of stocks and bonds is the FMV of a justing the prices according to the differences from public libraries or at a bank, credit union, or share or bond on the valuation date. See Date of  between the comparable sales and the item finance company. You can also find pricing in- contribution, earlier, under What Is Fair Market
being evaluated. This is difficult to do and, ex- formation about used cars on the Internet. Value (FMV).
cept for a collection of little value, should be An acceptable measure of the FMV of a
done by a specialized appraiser. Within the gen- donated car, boat, or airplane is an amount not Selling prices on valuation date. If there is eral category of literary property, there are deal- in excess of the price listed in a used vehicle an active market for the contributed stocks or ers who specialize in certain areas, such as pricing guide for a private party sale, not the dealer retail value, of a similar vehicle. However,
eers, and art appraisers. You may be able to find tific books. the FMV may be less than that amount if the
a qualified appraiser on the Internet. You may vehicle has engine trouble, body damage, high Modest value of collection. If the collec- also contact associations of dealers for gui- mileage, or any type of excessive wear. The tion you are donating is of modest value, not dance. FMV of a donated vehicle is the same as the requiring a written appraisal, the following infor- price listed in a used vehicle pricing guide for a mation may help you in determining the FMV. Collections private party sale only if the guide lists a sales A book that is very old, or very rare, is not price for a vehicle that is the same make, model, necessarily valuable. There are many books Since many kinds of hobby collections may be and year, sold in the same area, in the same that are very old or rare, but that have little or no the subject of a charitable donation, it is not condition, with the same or similar options or market value. possible to discuss all of the possible col- accessories, and with the same or similar warlectibles in this publication. Most common are Condition of book. The condition of a book ranties as the donated vehicle.

Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars
Donated Cars

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